New LAMA Video: Loving Our Neighbor

Loving Our Neighbor: Striving for Justice and Peace through Advocacy

Introducing a new video on Lutheran Advocacy in Arizona from LAMA!

This video introduction from Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona (LAMA) highlights the importance of civic engagement in faith communities, particularly in Lutheran congregations. As Lutherans and members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. God uses our hands, through our direct service and our voices, through our advocacy efforts, to restore and reconcile God's world. Through advocacy, we live out our Lutheran belief that governments can help advance the common good.

LAMA, the state public policy office of the ELCA, is a ministry of the Grand Canyon Synod. LAMA serves the congregations and Lutheran institutions in Arizona, providing resources, training and information in the work of being a church that cares for our neighbor. LAMA's mission is to join with the most vulnerable of our society to voice our common needs in the public square, activating our faith in love.

LAMA’s role is to encourage our church members to speak out at all levels of government, and to provide the education, the tools and the confidence necessary to do so. Through its annual Lutheran Day at the Legislature and LAMA Summit, its network of congregational LAMA liaisons, a weekly newsletter, and partnerships with local, state and national organizations, LAMA offer congregations opportunities for connection, education and engagement.

How to introduce LAMA’s work in the Grand Canyon Synod using this video:

  • Show the video at a Ministry Minute at the beginning of worship to inform the congregation of the synod’s ministries

  • Show during coffee or education hour after worship to gauge interest in a LAMA introduction in your congregation

  • Show the video at a church council meeting and discuss what civic engagement might look like in your context

  • Thinking of introducing an advocacy component into your social justice ministry team? Show the video prior to discussing the topic at a team meeting

  • Show the video before introducing a Bible study, Adult forum or Young Adult activity on social justice issues

  • Show the video as a way to engage participation in Lutheran Advocacy Day at the Legislature


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