Be A Part Of Generation Zero Hunger with ELCA World Hunger!


The world produces more than enough food to feed every person, yet the number of hungry people has grown since 2019. More than 2 billion people around the world aren’t sure where their next meal will come from.

Generation Zero-Hunger is a youth-driven fundraising challenge to support the programs of ELCA World Hunger. Many groups will bring their offerings to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, La. Congregations can join youth across the ELCA and commit to being part of the generation that takes action, ushering in a world without hunger.

Your congregation has the chance to join a generation of change and make a difference. Together we can be the generation that ends hunger.

Thanks to generous donors, all gifts to ELCA World Hunger as part of Generation Zero-Hunger will be matched—dollar for dollar—until we reach $250,000. That means your gifts will go twice as far in the work to end hunger!

We’re counting on your support, courage and creativity to engage your congregation in ELCA World Hunger’s challenge to be Generation Zero-Hunger.

Together, we can be the generation that ends hunger.

Your leadership is crucial to our work together. Thank you for partnering with ELCA World Hunger this summer. If our team can support you in any way, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

What can you do to be part of Generation Zero-Hunger?

Set a fundraising goal with your congregation or youth group to help support ELCA World Hunger. You can bring offerings to the Youth Gathering in New Orleans, La., this summer or find more information about giving directly at

Share photos and updates about your congregation’s fundraiser on social media with the hashtag #GenZeroHunger.

Share this video with your community and church members to invite them to join Generation Zero-Hunger and learn more about ELCA World Hunger.

Look for ELCA World Hunger in the Interaction Center at the Youth Gathering to learn more about being part of Generation Zero-Hunger.

Not going to the ELCA Youth Gathering? No problem. You can still make a difference as part of this historic challenge. Learn about more ways to get involved at


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